Angga Adiningrat Mulyanata, Yunita Yunita, Desty Rodiah


Paskibraka is the best young generation selected through various selections to raise and lower the Heritage Flag on Indonesian Independence Day. However, in the enthusiasm of the students to take part, the Dispora of South Sumatra Province still uses a manual assessment system so that several obstacles were found in its implementation. done with Microsoft Excel, as well as a calculation system that can only be used for one period, while this selection is an annual event that is held every time to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day. Therefore we need a way that can help the Dispora of South Sumatra Province in determining the best alternative for paskibraka members. One algorithm that is useful in decision support is Topsis. Topsis is used in the application of values for each criterion and a different range of values. Then using the Promethee method can improve the Topsis method because the Promethee method is used to determine the order of priority in multi-criteria analysis. The data taken by 60 participants were then researched according to predetermined criteria including written test scores, interview tests, health tests, physical fitness, and posture. Produced the best participants according to the system as many as 15 data. The results of the research test have an accuracy of 80%.

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