The Effect of Brill Tagger on The Classification Results of Sentiment Analysis Using Multinomial Naïve Bayes Algorithm

Astero Nandito, Abdiansah Abdiansah, Novi Yusliani


Twitter is a good indicator for influence in research, the problem that
arises in research in the field of sentiment analysis is the large number
of factors such as the use of informal or colloquial language and other
factors that can affect the results of sentiment classification. To
improve the results of sentiment classification, an information
extraction process can be carried out. One part of the information
extraction feature is a part of speech tagging, which is the giving of
word classes automatically. The results of part of speech tagging are
used for weighting words based on part of speech. This study
examines the effect of Part of Speech Tagging with the method Brill
Tagger in sentiment analysis using the Naive Bayes Multinomial
algorithm. Testing were carried out on 500 twitter tweet texts and
obtained the results of the sentiment classification with implementing
part of speech tagging precision by 73,2%, recall by 63,2%, f-measure
by 67,6%, accuracy by 60,7% and without implementing part of
speech tagging precision by 65,2%, recall by 60,6%, f-measure by
62,4% accuracy by 53,3%. From the results of the accuracy obtained,
it shows that the application of part of speech tagging in sentiment
analysis using the Multinomial Naïve Bayes algorithm has an effect
with an increase in classification performance.

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