Comparison of Certainty Factor (CF) and Case Based Reasoning (CBR) to Diagnose Infertility in Women

Risky Tama Putri, Yunita Yunita, Osvari Arsalan, Rizki Kurniati


Infertility has now become a terrible and serious problem for women. Limited information about infertility suffered by women makes it difficult for them to predict the disease they are suffering from. Therefore we need an expert system that can predict infertility in women. The methods used in this research are Certainty Factor (CF) and Case Based Reasoning (CBR) methods. Certainty Factor (CF) is one of the techniques used to overcome uncertainty in decision making. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) is a problem solving method by remembering similar events that happened in the past and then using that knowledge or information to solve new problems. Based on the test results using 25 test data, the accuracy of the expert system for diagnosing infertility in women using the Certainty Factor (CF) method is 92%, while the curation of the expert system for diagnosing infertility in women using the Case Based Reasoning (CBR) method is 76%. 

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