Text Summarization with K-Means Method

Ari Firdaus, Novi Yusliani, Desty Rodiah


Text Summarization is a tool used to generate a short form of text that contains important information that is needed by the user automatically. In this study, Text Summarization was conducted on Indonesian news using K-Means method. The news is taken from CNN Indonesia with a free topic. K-Means is used to classify sentences that already have weight in the news with 2 clusters, namely text summaries and not text summaries. The initial centroid is selected based on the sentence with the largest value and the sentence with the smallest value. The test conducted on Indonesian news with a total 50 news and tested for feasibility using a questionnaire. K-Means was successfully summarizing the news with an average 27.3 % of original news length and gain 87% good summarize based on respondents from questionnaire.

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