Classification of Emotions on Twitter using Emotion Lexicon and Naïve Bayes

Dhiya Fairuz, Novi Yusliani, Kanda Januar Miraswan


Social media is a means of interaction and communication. One of the social media that is often used is Twitter. Twitter allows its users to express many things, one of which is being a personal media to provide various kinds of expressions from its users such as emotions. Users can express their emotions and sentiments through writing on the status of their social media posts. One method to find out the emotion in the sentence is using the Emotion Lexicon. However, the lexicon-based method is not good at classifying data because not every word contains emotion. So, there's a need to combine it with other classification method such as Naive Bayes. Naïve Bayes relies on independent assumptions to obtain a classification through the probability hypothesis that each class has. The results of the classification test with Emotion Lexicon alone have 46% accuracy, 45% precision, 51% recall and 36% f-measure. While the results of the classification test with Emotion Lexicon and Naïve Bayes resulted in an accuracy of 65%, precision of 77%, recall of 55%, and f- measure of 59%.

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