Diagnosis Of Respiratory Tract Infections In Toddlers With Expert System Using Variable-Centered Intelligent Rule System And Certainty Factor Method
Expert system can help the experts in diagnose the Respiratory Tract
Infection For Toddlers. This research have a purpose to build an
expert system for Android with Kotlin language using Variable-
Centered Intelligent Rule System and Certainty Factor method, also
get the accuracy of it. System’s input is a yes or no answer from Yes-
No Question with user. This research use 164 patient data of toddlers
at UPTD Kenten Laut Banyuasin Health Center and variables which is
symptoms that occurs in toddlers such as cough, cold, hard to breathe,
fever, and the results of a physical examination conducted by the
expert. Based on test result, the system has 95,52% accuracy when
diagnose ISPA case, and 100% accuracy when diagnose Pneumonia
case. So, it can be concluded that Variable-Centered Intelligent Rule
System and Certainty Factor method can be used to diagnose
respiratory infections in toddlers.
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