Elza Fitriana Saraswita, Dian Palupi Rini, abdiansah abdiansah


Sentiment analysis is one of the knowledge to find the opinions of society towards a topic of discussion particular. Text mining is the science that many performed by individuals or companies to improve performance and fix complaints public against the services or brand trademarks that exist in the world of business. One of them is business flight or airline flights. One of them is public complaints against certain airlines posted on twitter. It is certainly going to greatly affect the airline 's own because , media social is one of the means of advertising and trade are extensive. Machine learning methods such as Logistics Regression, Kneighbors Classifier, Support Vector Classifier (SVC), Decision Tree Classifier, Random Forest Classifier, and Gaussian. Several classification methods are used to compare the performance of each method to see the best results.

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